Category Archives: VIP LAN Pro Tips

Whether you are conducting VIP Operations or developing your own career potential, don’t rush what you’re doing. When you work at a rushed pace you can occasionally miss stuff. Unfortunately in VIP Operations, you are at the behest of others or mission-specific timings. It’s critical that you are aware of this and take proactive steps...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

Everything you do in VIP Operations is representative of a variety of factors, not just yourself. Whether you are operating at your peak or below standard, it reflects back on the following: Your VIP or the VIP you are attached to Your Employer or the Organization you work for/contracted to You personal and professional brand...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

VIP Local Assets are probably one of the most significant elements in enhancing VIP Operations. In this article, we will talk about various ways you can help enhance VIP operations at all stages of a protective mission, regardless of your role. Although this article has attempted to be as comprehensive as possible, it is by...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Welcome Series series.

Keeping an open mind to the posts, opinions and cultural differences out there can greatly enhance your perspective. Seeing things in different lights or from different viewpoints can broaden your exposure to new possibilities. Previously unsolvable problems may now be solved from simply keeping an open mind and assessing the options. You may be surprised...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

Trust is one of the biggest and most important aspects of VIP Operations. When you are new to the industry, new to a community or trying to expand your client reach it is also one of the hardest elements to demonstrate, at first. Another aspect of the trust relationship is subject matter knowledge and expertise....

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

There’s nothing worse than putting out quality training and events, without getting enough people to make them happen. Or even worse, you attract the wrong audience. The best way to maximize your effectiveness and minimize your efforts is to reach the right audience. You want professionals that are proactive and dedicated to their development. Where...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

In business one of the most important elements in developing and maintaining relationships. This is even more important in VIP Operations. Every client, customer or contact is potentially a one-off sale or interaction. But it is potentially much more than that. Every transaction either financial, emotional or otherwise involves a human. A real-life person. Every...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.

Most folks involved in VIP Operations are at extremely high levels of capability. With this often comes traits related to excellent attention to detail, extreme organization and very high standards. While it may seem like perfection is a must, in VIP Operations you can’t let extreme logistics get in the way of reality. You must...

This content is part of the VIP LAN Pro Tips series.
VIP Local Asset Network